Wednesday, October 10, 2007

As Lazy as a Leo!

No wonder people say Leos are as lazy as Leos! Don't believe it? Well, take a look at me and you will come to that conclusion very easily. Taking pride in being lazy can only suit a Leo! Anyways, my inner voice with it's indistinct voice has been cursing me and crying to get my attention! Between us, I think my inner voice is not a Leo. If it were one, why would it bother to bother me?

I have to write a lot of stuff and I have so many thoughts to write and I have my inner voice to narrate what needs to be written. On top of it, I have lots of time to do it, but then I have this lazy mind which doesn't let me write anything!

Why did I even bother to create a blog in first place? Is it because it's free and I don't have to spend a penny? Is it because I had nothing else constructive to do? Why the heck am I not doing what I am supposed to do? I think I need to be creative! I think I need to be active more than being creative? Because being creative is a quirk of Leo and being not lazy is a challenge! And I love challenges! So it's nothing great being what you are and it's fun being who you are not! For a change let me be active and fill my blog with thoughts rather than being as lazy as a leo!

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