Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What's more intricating than life?

Does anyone has an answer for this? I guess no! Life takes so many courses that you have no clue what is going to happen next second. Sometimes it seems so predictable and some times so clueless. If you need something real bad, life won't give it to you but when you no longer need it or you are in a situation where you can't accept it, it becomes available. I am sure many of us have gone through similar incidents. Let me tell you a simple example of how life treats us. I am pretty sure this happened to each one of us. Let's say if you are waiting for a bus X, then you will see 2 or 3 buses Y coming but not X, but then if you are waiting for bus Y, you will see buses X coming in row. If you are stuck in a traffic jam and if you see the lane next to you moving and not yours, then by hook or crook you manage to change to the moving lane, by miracle or by your bad luck, that lane stops moving and the lane you were previously in starts moving. I know this sounds so familiar and hilarious but this is a simple way to put how life can play practical jokes on us in day to day life. This is only a smaller picture, bigger things could be worst and life changing.

One good thing about life is we tend to forget things soon and keep moving. What would have happened to world if there was no forgetfulness? Can't even dare to imagine such world. Life offers good and bad equally and it depends on an individual how one takes them. The essence of life is to "hope for the best and prepare for the worst". Life is the best tutor, philosopher and guide.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

As Lazy as a Leo!

No wonder people say Leos are as lazy as Leos! Don't believe it? Well, take a look at me and you will come to that conclusion very easily. Taking pride in being lazy can only suit a Leo! Anyways, my inner voice with it's indistinct voice has been cursing me and crying to get my attention! Between us, I think my inner voice is not a Leo. If it were one, why would it bother to bother me?

I have to write a lot of stuff and I have so many thoughts to write and I have my inner voice to narrate what needs to be written. On top of it, I have lots of time to do it, but then I have this lazy mind which doesn't let me write anything!

Why did I even bother to create a blog in first place? Is it because it's free and I don't have to spend a penny? Is it because I had nothing else constructive to do? Why the heck am I not doing what I am supposed to do? I think I need to be creative! I think I need to be active more than being creative? Because being creative is a quirk of Leo and being not lazy is a challenge! And I love challenges! So it's nothing great being what you are and it's fun being who you are not! For a change let me be active and fill my blog with thoughts rather than being as lazy as a leo!